In 2014, the rythm for the pupils in France has changed. In some schools, teachers and municipalities had succeeded to organize some period of time dedicated to culture, sport etc. In that path, I have been invited to spend a complete year in a school, once a week i was visiting the kids (from 8 to 10 years old) and we were doing photography.
One year of artistic residency in the village of Les Houches to let the kids discover the medium of photography (they participated to the photo festival SHOOT!) to create project, to make their own pattern and appropriation of the writing…
> New rythm in school, new calendar, a door open to another approach of the school. Anecdotes… A handmade book will follow, with the pictures of the kids, the words of Dorothy Shoes and my love.

> A look put on the landscape and the place of the human in it… Today an attractive stroll of images in very large format in the village.

A very deep and rich experience on the human plan of course but also in the creative aspect. I’ve learn A LOT from the children… I am sooooo glad!
This project is the fruit of a cooperation between: Municipality of Les Houches, the periscolar center of the school, the museum Maison de la Mémoire, the Archives of Chamonix and Image Temps